My marriage to Drew a year ago was cause for celebration - a celebration that included a family reunion. Jean was my Matron of Honor and key in the planning and execution of a near flawless event. Many of the Arnold clan (Fran's side of the family) gathered here in South West Florida - some from as far away as New Hampshire, including our dear Aunt Helen. It was especially fun as many in attendance were cousins that Jean and I had not seen since our childhood summers at Grammy & Grampy's camp in Maine.
The next day, Jean hosted a brunch for the relatives - many stories, laughs, and Bloody Marys were shared. Jean did double duty that day as she was also babysitting our kids (quite spoiled ones) - Kevin & Shelly (Chihuahuas) and Ottawa (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) - while Drew and I spent a few days away. She was wise enough to wait until we got back (I checked on them several times by phone) to tell me that Kevin was nearly inconsolable at times, howling in the window thinking that his mama had left him. Ah, the duties of an aunt!!