Dear Jean,
A love the word "colleague." Whenever I say it, I am reminded that as
faculty members we have the opportunity to not only work with our fellow
faculty members, but learn from them, support them, feel supported, and work
together toward common goals. For me the term "colleague" brings to mind
respect, commitment, and common purpose. Jean, I think of all these aspects
of "colleague" --and more--when I think of you. You bring added depth to the
meaning of "colleague"--someone with such deep interest and concern for
others, your wonderful humility, your enthusiasm for innovation and
creativity in your teaching, the example you set of how being a professor
means setting an example and making contributions that affect in the deepest
way the lives of others.
Running into you on the fourth floor hall of Erickson is always such a
treat, involving a lovely little chat, usually comparing notes about our
children. Your laughter, kindness, and vitality always make the day sparkle!
I also appreciate the way your commitment to your students and your
profession is woven so seamlessly into your daily life.
It is my privilege to know you as a very special and valued colleague and
friend. Whenever I say the word "colleague", you will be in my thoughts.
with gratitude and fondness,