Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Fabulousness That Is Dr. Jean Baker

Finally! A writing task that excites me! Topic: The Fabulousness That Is Dr. Jean Baker. Over the past few years I have heard you say “Fabulous” more than anyone else I know. So much so that you have become synonymous with the word. Honestly, whenever I hear someone say it, a smiling image of you pops into my head and I hear your voice holding the first syllable “Faaabulous” as your head and eyes gently roll back. It almost seems as though you’ve been plotting a fabulous coup to take over the fabulous adjective. If so, way to work!

Another fond memory that will stay with me is our trip up to the MASP convention in 2004; a three hour van ride in the wee morning hours with you at the wheel and me as your faithful navigator. Consider yourself lucky that we only got lost once. I think that’s the only time all year that I saw 5 a.m. without a project deadline looming over me. Anyway, I really enjoyed the opportunity to just talk. I don’t know how much you enjoyed listening, but I had a good time;) Our conversation about family, career, interests, and life in general helped me put things into perspective. Based on many of the posts in this blog, making a profound impact isn’t something new to you. Your gentle, caring, and open demeanor, combined with your knowledge and expertise, is truly inspiring. Thank you for your persistence and dedication to being so…fabulous!

My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you and your family.

Jake Mathiason

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