Friday, January 11, 2008

I appreciate your wisdom

I did not have the pleasure of knowing Jean over a long period of time. I had seen her work in the research literature and have a vivid memory of seeing her elegant profile for the first time, although I am not sure if this occurred at a meeting of the American Psychological Association or the Council of Directors of School Psychology Programs. We also interacted at various school psychology events.

I got to know Jean well in 2007, when I was president of Division 16 (school psychology) of APA and Jean was President Elect. This was one of the more difficult years in Division 16's history. Jean's quiet confidence, calm demeanor, insightful comments, and hard work allowed the Division to navigate the stormy seas and come out on the other side intact.

It was never clear to those of us on the Division EC that this was also one of the toughest years in Jean's personal journey, as she never complained and never made her condition an issue. Jean is a warm and supportive colleague who all of us could lean on when we needed to. My thoughts, prayers, and strength are with Jean and her family, now and always.

Frank C. Worrell

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