Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It is amazing to read through the blogs and see how many lives you have touched. I feel extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to know you and collaborate with you on several research projects. I remember my first day of graduate school, I was sitting in your office and you told me that your favorite part of being an advisor is watching your students grow from first year doctoral students into psychologists. It is evident that you play a large role in this growth and your students will be forever grateful. You have already shaped my growth as a graduate student and professional in the field in the short year and a half that I have lived in Michigan. I always enjoyed our meetings and left your office full of confidence and excitement to be a part of this amazing program and field. You have been instrumental in my training and I will always be grateful for our time together. It was great to see you and your family tonight and be surrounded with such positive warmth and kindness. You are truly an amazing woman!

With love,


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